What We Offer

Incorporation Of Businesses

We incorporate local businesses.

Why Incorporate?

Incorporation of a company under the Companies Act, Cap. 308 has the effect of creating a separate legal personality which is distinct from the person or persons who incorporate a company or who hold shares in the company. It is therefore the company which conducts the business not its shareholders or members. It is the company which enters into contracts with other persons in the course of its business, not its shareholders or members.

The advantage of incorporating a company includes protection of the person who incorporates, the shareholders and members, and their personal assets in cases of breach of its obligations under a contract, or debt or judgments claimed against the business. Only the company’s assets would be affected, unless, of course, these persons have entered into personal guarantees for loans made or credit given to the company.


We are well versed in property law and represent individuals, companies, entrepreneurs and real estate developers in property-related matters.


Consultancy is offered to vendors and purchasers alike in the following areas:

-Mortgage Preparation

-Drafting of Conveyancing Documents (Deeds of Gift, Deeds of Assent, Deeds of Sale, Trust Deeds, Deeds of Assignment, Deeds of Rectification and Reconveyances)

-Drafting and Settling Leases and Licences

-Drafting Property Management Agreements

-Preparation of Security Documents

-Investigation of Title at the Deeds and Land Registry of Grenada

-Applications for Orders of Possessory Title to Land

-Applications for Aliens Land-Holding Licences on behalf of non-nationals or ‘aliens’ to hold interest in real property

-Applications for Government Consents

-Drafting Purchase & Sale Agreements

-Drafting and Reviewing Assignment of Grant of Easements


The Law of Succession deals with the regulation and distribution of one’s estate consequent on his/her death and differs procedurally and substantively, if the deceased died testate or intestate. We offer the following services in relation to this area of law:

– Preparation of Wills and Codicils

– Applications for Grants of Letters of Administration

– Applications for Grants of Probate

– Resealing of Grants

– Advisory services to Executors and Administrators on the lawful distribution of estates

– Advisory services to Beneficiaries on their legal entitlement to estates

– Estate Claims and Litigation


We offer debt recovery services which range from issuing demand letters to drafting proposals for debt liquidation to filing claims in the High Court for monies due and owing. We also file enforcement proceedings in the High Court to realise unsatisfied judgments.

Family Law

We provide legal expertise in all family-related matters including divorces and ancillary relief, separation agreements, spousal maintenance, maintenance for children, visitation and custody matters, legal guardianship, applications in relation to patients under the Mental Health Act 1959 (UK) and adoption applications. Our initial approach to family matters is always non-adversarial and with a view to conciliation wherever possible subject, of course, to the inclinations of our clients, who we pledge to represent fairly and zealously.



Our Attorneys provide Applicants assistance for a marriage licence must be made by both parties in person at the office of the Ministry of Home Affairs

(a) Valid Passport and the original or certified copies of the applicants’ birth certificates, and identification cards;

(b) If either party was married previously and widowed, an original or certified copy of the marriage certificate and death certificate in respect of the deceased spouse;

(c) If either party was divorced, an original Decree Absolute or Final Judgement. The Decree Nisi is not accepted.


In Barbados and the Commonwealth Caribbean, there are a number of labour laws which define the rights and responsibilities of all agents in the workplace, namely employees, employers and any respective representative groups .  Generally, labour law covers industrial relations, occupational safety and health and labour standards, reflective of ratified ILO Conventions.


We provide legal representation to Employers and Employees alike before Arbitration Tribunals, the High Court and the Court of Appeal.


Employers are guided in termination of employment within the laws of the jurisdiction with a view to eliminating or limiting liability for wrongful and/or unfair dismissal claims.

Employees are equally guided in terms of the lawfulness of termination of their services and remedies available to seek redress.

Our Attorneys draft and review employment contracts guided by the specific needs of the client and ensuring their conformity with the Employment Act.

Civil Litigation

We assist Clients whether individuals or corporate in civil litigation at all levels of the judiciary – under $10,000.00 in the Magistrate Courts , over $10,000.00 in the High Court and even the the Court of Appeal where merited.

The Chambers expertise in civil litigation is extensive and ranges from personal injury claims, contract disputes and negligence claims to property disputes, defamation claims, judicial review claims and debt recovery actions.

Immigration Services

We provide a multitude of services in various forms of immigration status.

Preparing of Applications in the following:

  1. Barbadian Citizenship- By Marriage, By Descent, By Registration
  1. Permanent Resident Status- An application for registration as a permanent resident may be made by someone who has been an immigrant for five (5) years or more, or who is the immediate relative of a citizen of Barbados by birth or descent, i.e., mother, father or wife/husband is a Barbadian citizen.
  1. Immigrant Status- An immigrant is any individual who wishes to move to Barbados to reside indefinitely. Applicants must be of sound mind and body and be able to support themselves so they will not be a liability to the country.
  1. Work Permits/ Training Attachments- Jobs requiring a Long-Term Work permit must be advertised in the local newspaper or the prospective employer may apply for a work permit for a Foreign National.  Prior to doing this, a notice must be placed in the newspaper informing the public that it is the employer’s intention to apply for a work permit.

Short Term Work permits last six months.

  1. Renunciation- Part 111 section 8 (1) (2) of The Barbados Citizenship Act cap.186 any citizen of Barbados of full age and capacity can renounce his citizenship. The Minister may at his discretion withhold registration of any such declaration if it is made during any war in which Barbados is engaged by a person who is or who intends to become a national of a foreign country.
  1. Student Visas- Children who are accompanying a work permit holder or who intend to come to the island for the sole purpose of studying should apply to the Immigration Department for a student visa.  Student visas are issued for one school year at a time.
  1. Extensions of Stay- Anyone accompanying a work permit holder (wife/husband, children) is required by law to apply for an extension of stay covering the period of the work permit. This extension simply gives the accompanying person permission to reside in Barbados for the stated period.
  1. Issuing Barbados Passports and other Travel Documents
  1. Caricom Free Movement- Under Section 17 of the Immigration Act, non-citizens can work on the island only if they have been granted a work permit.  An amendment to the Act provides for certain CARICOM (Caribbean Common Market) nationals to live and work in Barbados without a work permit.

In accordance with Section 17B of the Immigration (Amendment) Act, 1996-9, university graduates from CARICOM countries can live and work in Barbados without obtaining a work permit.

  1. Entry Visa (Non- Nationals who require visas)- An entry visa is a pre-requisite to seek entry into Barbados. It however, does not guarantee entry.  Permission to enter is granted only by the immigration officer at the port of entry.
  1. Special Entry Permits- A special entry permit is generally granted for a period of five (5) years to persons who have property in Barbados and want to remain on the island.
  2. Replacement Documents
  1. Regional and International Passport Renewals


“We offer efficient process service in every parish of the Island of Barbados.

We can serve any original legal document granted by the Courts on your behalf and handle all aspects of your case, from serving court documents to securing Affidavits of Service to Court filings.


Today, Caricom Nationals live, work and reside throughout the region.  We offer fast efficient and seamless assistance in applying to relevant Immigration Offices or Consulates for new passports or applying for renewal of passports.


Our Chambers work in conjunction with registered Real Estate Agents to bring proposed Purchasers and proposed Vendors together.

We draft the relevant Agreements for Sale, conduct searches of records at the offices of the Land Registry to ascertain ownership of the property and verify whether the property is subject to any encumbrances.

Once the Vendors title is in order, the relevant transfer instrument may be finalized by the Purchaser’s Attorney.  Upon signing the transfer instrument by the parties, the balance of the purchase price is paid to the Vendor and the sale transaction is completed.

Let us know your needs

Feel free to contact us today with your legal inquiries and we will have a member of our team contact you as soon as possible to organize a consultation.